Expense Dashboard


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Expense Dashboard

Keeping track of how a business is spending money is very important for proper functioning of the business. EasyReports Power BI offering provides a standard dashboard for Tally users allowing them to analyze data by expense category, month and even deep dive into transaction level details.

“Data analytics is the future, and the future is NOW! Every mouse click, keyboard button press, swipe or tap is used to shape business decisions. Everything is about data these days. Data is information, and information is power.” - Radi, data analyst at CENTOGENE

Challenges in Expense

  • Tracking expense variations
  • Difficulty in getting vendor wise expense tracking
  • Maintaining expense within limits
  • Identifying sudden increase in certain expenses
  • Major expenses of company

Expense Dashboard Features & Benefits

  • Top 10 expense – month, company, group
  • Expense mix – Direct, Indirect
  • Expense head wise percentage
  • Monthly expense variations – highlighting change from previous month
  • Transaction level analysis
  • Vendor wise expense tracking